Donating blood can be a straightforward, effective way to make an immediate and measurable impact within your community. But it’s not always the easiest thing to commit to.
We get it.
It can be an intimidating process for a lot of people, largely because you don’t know what to expect and, you know, you’re giving blood. That’s not always an easy thing to visualize.
Two members of Kin Canada HQ recently went to donate blood in support of our partnership with Canadian Blood Services, and wanted to share what they learned in the hopes that we could help alleviate some nerves of people interested in giving back.
Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs serve the community’s greatest need. Donating blood is a nation-wide need that touches most every Canadian so Kin is formally reviving our relationship with Canadian Blood Services.
Age and Generation makes a difference when communicating. Especially when it comes to communication methods, work attitudes and feedback expectations. Check out this post for some things to remember when communicating cross-generationally.
Canadians seek different volunteer experiences throughout their lifespans as their circumstances and priorities change. Traditionally, volunteering has been a feel-good way to give back to the community; but now, it has also become a means for young people to gain skills for the labour market. A lot of Canadian high school students need 30-40 volunteer hours as a requirement to graduate. Having students help with your Kin events is a win for both you and them.
With the emergence (and dominance) of social media and other online tools in our daily lives, getting through to your audience can be tricky at times. How do you get through to someone who is constantly seeing ads, jumping around different social media sites and scanning headlines but rarely reading full stories throughout the day? One way is through storytelling, and telling your story properly.
Over the last several months, we’ve seen many Kin Canada clubs celebrate major anniversaries. There have been 40, 60 and even 90 year milestones reached, which as a result, make us reflect on the accomplishments of the past (almost) 94 years Kin Canada has been around – and look forward to the future with determination to make the next 94 years just as noteworthy.
While Kin Canada clubs perform countless service projects and fundraisers each year, there’s a lot of additional coverage about them around this time because of the holiday-centered projects and events.