The Status of K-40 & K-ette Clubs in Kin
In my first week as Communications Coordinator here at Kin Canada Headquarters, I’ve been familiarizing myself with the club’s communication avenues, including, of course, the website and its member discussion forums. Currently, our most active discussion topic is Grandfathering the K-40. The status of these affiliate clubs is a little confusing; so from the office newbie, here are the highlights of K-40 and K-ette.
Kin Founder, Hal Rogers, established the Kinsmen to create service opportunities and fellowship for young men. Keyword: young. The 1926 Kin constitution and by-laws fixed the maximum age for active members at 40.
As the original members aged, their love for Kin and community only grew and in 1935, the first K-40 clubs were formed to allow older Kinsmen the opportunity to stay involved with their peers. K-ette clubs soon followed. K-40 and K-ette members fell outside the active club membership as the Kin constitution and by-laws did not change to include them. They did not pay dues and were structured to be more of a social club that could lend support and expertise to their Kinsmen, Kinette, and Kin Club counterparts.
In 1991, the active membership upper age was raised to 45, and then eliminated altogether in 1999. While some K-40 and K-ette groups do still exist, and their contributions are much appreciated, Kin Canada is now moving toward maintaining an active membership diverse in age. Youth and experience now work together in one club to serve the community to the best of their collective abilities.
Oct 21, 2014
By Laura Hamilton
We don't keep K-40 contact info as they don't pay dues. Melina, our membership service coordinator, may have a few ideas of people you could contact. Give her a call at HQ.
Sep 21, 2014
By Kris Lewis [Not logged in]
I am very interested in learning the stories of our k-40 members. I would love to be able to add them to my clubs bulletin. Is there anyway of connecting with these treasured members, such as Dwayne Lougilean. I would love to hear about their contributions.
Please let me know if there is a way.
Jul 25, 2014
By Dennie [Not logged in]
As someone who never actually joined a Kin club until moving home when my husband retired at 45 years of age (military). I for one am glad that the age limit was raised and now no longer exists.
If not I would not of been able to join Kin, as there is no K-ette club in our community.
while I can see where some clubs may work better as been only a "young group of people" I also see how my club has been able to combine the generations together and still get the best out of Kin as well as give the best to our community.
Jul 18, 2014
By Doug Robinson
Technically (under GOB No. 1), a K-40 "club" is a committee of the local Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Club.
We have an active K-40 club in Orangeville. They meet once a month for dinner. They are available to assist our club when we ask. Otherwise, they do not interfere. These former members no longer want to be active in Kin. If there were to be a move to dissolve the K-40 Clubs, we would extend an opportunity to these former members to become honourary members of our club and we would form a committee of honourary members so that they could continue to be associated with our club in much the same way as they have been for the past 30 years or so.
Jul 17, 2014
By Dave Tidbury [Not logged in]
A few years ago there was a suggestion to either do away with K-40 and K-ette clubs or perhaps amalgamate them and / or its members back into the Association. The responding uproar still rings in my ears. There are still some strong K-40 / K-ette clubs and some are still somewhat active i.e. the Kingston Senators who work the theater for the Kinsmen club of Kingston, and the Picton K-40 clubs - however, they remain primarily social clubs comprised of ex-Kin whose friendships were made strong in Kin, but feel "they have done their time and have paid their dues" and so they won't be returning to active status. Since few active kin are leaving to join K-40, these groups are shrinking faster than Kin - and it is just a question of time before they will all be gone through natural attrition. They expect nothing from the Association in way of support, but continue to help their sponsoring clubs (if those sponsoring clubs still exist)by working projects and mentoring.
Jul 15, 2014
By Dwayne Lougjlean [Not logged in]
I am a very proud member of my K-40 club here in Preston, our club had 4 social meetings per year, although the social aspect is the factor, for me it's the history, and stories that are intriguing. Could you imagine if famous historians just walked away from what they did or inspired, would we remember Prime Ministers,or Entertainers --